Monday 22 March 2010


The interesting thing about the Terrorist's Handbook is that it's really, really badly named. I mean, if you had called it something crap like "Musings on the etymology of gardening-related terminology, 1912-1915", you'd probably be able to sell it on the high-street without anyone blinking an eye. But call it the Terrorist's Handbook and we here at the MI5 can easily track any nutcase who types the words into Google. And then catch them and give them a good shoeing.

Furthermore, if you were to take the important bits - like how to blow people up - then you could take each letter, put it at the start of each sentence, and have a really clever way of disseminating Jihad information to the sleeper-cell community.

Note to self: keep a keen eye out for Jonny B attempting to release any innocuous-looking publications.

1 comment:

ajb1605 said...

What idiots! Why didn't we put two and two together before? It's so obvious now.

JonnyB Identity Hiding Alexmarsh Duplicity


Thank you, Short Tony, for protecting us from such a heinous plot. I will buy the book and report back any suspicious passages.